Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Conducting a Debate

To spice up your lesson, introduce a debate session in the classroom!

Debate routines are interesting and also, provocative. It benefits the students in terms of listening skills, speaking skills and also their critical thinking skills. 

There are proper methods to conduct a class debate.
Let's go through the points, shall we? 


1) Introduce the topic

2) Assign the affirmative & negative
   -Two sides to a debate session, affirmative and negative.

3) Give time for research
     -Time to search up the topic and prepare for the points.

4) Keep a track of time
    -Debate is carried out and the time is kept in mind

5) Make judgement
  -The teacher decides who fought the points well.

Below are the example of topics that can be conducted in the classroom, for easy reference :

a)   Video games brings more negative impacts than any positive effect to the users.

b) Humans are very dependent on technology and its devices and it is making the human nature inefficient.Do you believe that the Internet brings out the best in humanity?

c) Social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter is currently trending. Is it safe to submit your private and personal information online?

d) Does our world benefit from the introduction of the robots?

e) It is said that technology advances humans. But, it seems to forbid communications with individuals around you. Technology prevents communication. Do you agree?

f) Do you think cyber socializing is dangerous?

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